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In an interesting video called Habits, Behaviors & Change (1), neuroscientist Gabija Toleikyte explains that when we´re tired and/or stressed, we lack the necessary energy for the so-called “human” brain. Instead, we resort to the so-called “mammal” brain that requires less energy as it functions on automatisms and habits. In this state, we tend to choose what is already known and considerably reduce our capacity for creativity, learning, and thoughtful decisions.

We are operating in “survival mode”, as I like to call it. This colourful expression lets us to realize that it´s not the best way to move through our day.

– So, how do we get out of “survival mode”?

– Among other things, by rebalancing the nervous system!

– And how do we rebalance the nervous system?

– A scientific technique that has shown excellent results: Cardiac Coherence

Cardiac Coherence is a particular rhythm in cardiac frequency variability (CFV) that transforms its state from chaotic to harmonious. Once attained, this Cardiac Coherence balances the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the nervous system. To better understand how it works and its link to stress, I invite you to have a look at this other article from our blog: Approaching Stress Differently.

Here´s a list of the proven benefits of cardiac coherence (2):


  • Lowers “stress hormone” cortisol
  • Increases “youth hormone” DHEA
  • Increases “love hormone” Oxytocin
  • Reduces stress perception
  • Produces the general feeling of calmness
  • Increases alpha waves


  • Reduces high blood pressure
  • Reduces anxiety and depression
  • Reduces abdominal perimeters
  • Reduces cardiovascular risks
  • Improves concentration and memory
  • Improves pain tolerance

Even more interesting is that 5 minutes of cardiac coherence produces 4 hours of effects on the body. This is where the recommended 365 practice comes from. It´s easy to remember: 3 times a day, 6 breaths per minute (equal to 10-second cycles), for 5 minutes at a time. This way, we boost our physiological state for much of the part of the day spent awake.

If you´d like to try it out, here´s a video that will guide you:

Enjoyed the experience? After 15 years of practice, breathing is my most efficient tool for quick self-regulation and finding inner calm. In a future article, I´ll explain the incredible effects of breathwork provides and why integrating it into our management practices can help enhance team performance.

Now, how do you concretely help your teams get out of survival mode and increase creativity, learning, and decision-making?

  1. 1. Start by sharing the benefits of this technique with everyone. There are many videos and apps that make it easy. And now you know how to do it!
  2. 2. Also, why not start your meetings with 5 minutes of cardiac coherence practiced together? Beyond motivating the group, you´ll also increase mindfulness during the meeting. Try it out and see for yourself!
  3. 3. On top of a moment to breathe, why not create a program offering regular break during meetings to promote overall health? For example, a dynamic break to move and activate circulation or a ZEN break to increase focus.


Looking for more health and wellness tools? Check out our YouTube channel that offers free tools you can share with your employees : https://www.youtube.com/c/zen&co


Article written by Julie Banville for Facteur H magazine – September Edition, 2022


We´re here to meet your needs. Reach out to us by email at info@zenetcie.ca or call us at 514 277-7905.


Bibliographic references

(1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrbD_ytgpIg

(2) Book : Cohérence cardiaque 365, by Dr. David O´Hare David O’Hare